Hello again!
under our falling-over pine tree 3 or 4 days ago. We weren't home at the time, so we're not sure
exactly when...
4 black ones with small white belly- and paw-markings, a light blonde one, and one almost exactly
the same color as Smilé! The biggest one is a black boy, and the smallest is the white-blonde one,
a girl. We have relocated them from their dirt cave under the tree to a towel, newspaper, and
cardboard nest on our back patio. Two chairs hold up her towel roof.
So far, they haven't begun walking, but when they do, we'll have lots to deal with! For starters, our
gate has puppy-sized holes right at puppy height so we'll need to cover those. Then, our flood
irrigation ditches are big enough for them to escape easily. On top of all that, we
have chain-link
fences they could hop through on all four sides.
We'll see how it goes!

Ohhhhhhhh! Bring some puppies home with you! :) Lisa c.
I wish we could, but they technically belong to our neighbors! Smilee just likes our house better... ;)
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