A not so long time ago, in a continent far far away, there lived a family who missed their friends from the States. So their friends came to them. The Cashes came December 28, to travel across the magical land of Argentina, in a place called Patagonia.
<-- (not this).
First they met up with their friends, the Feldhauses, and some other visitors, the Blaquieres, in the Feldhaus residence. Then, they left with the Feldhauses to a place in Patagonia called Neoquen, while the Blaquieres went home, back to Eugene, Oregon. The two families split up, one half in a magnificent not-so shiny bus, and the other in a small, unfortunate vw station wagon. Those in the car arrived first to a small hotel, booking a room with 3 beds, while
others slept
in the overnight bus, dreaming of the journey that lay ahead. When the car riders rose from their beds, the other half arrived and ate breakfast with the 1st half, and then continued on another bus while the car riders packed and jumped right back into the car again. They traveled to Bariloche, (Ba- ree-low-chey) where they met again and rented a cabin, or cabaña near an

extremely clear lake called Lago Moreno (more-ain-oh).
The lake was beautiful, and it was easy to see 10 feet into the water because it was so cristal clear.
3 days we stayed

in that cabin, exploring the town, canoeing on the lake, hiking around, playing on the rocky beach, avoiding swimming in the freezing water, etc. Then, the Cashes left, needing to return to the United States.
The Feldhaus Family turned north, seeking the town of El Bolson (Bowl-sone),the home of the best ice cream store in the continent, with what seemed like a thousand flavors, all possibly dipped in chocolate and covered in nuts. That night was the first night that they pulled out the ol' camping tent, just big enough for the four of them, all comfortable in their sleeping bags and thermarests, happy and content.
Thus began a month long travel through patagonia, passing through places like Rio Gallegos, Calafate (where we saw Glacier Perito Moreno, which is one of the only glaciers that continues to grow instead of shrink), Puerto Deseado (home to many penguins and dolphins), El Chalten (home to la montana Fitz Roy), and a lot of windy, bare, open space dotted with Rheas, Nandus.....