In the last couple of weeks Mendoza has been showing it's best side with a burst of Spring! The weather is beautiful, the flowers are blooming, the trees are leafing out and we had a fast, fun visit from Kara and Laura!
We started in Buenos Aires where we all flew in on the same morning. We headed to an apartment that we have rented before, dropped our bags and took off running. We would stop long enough to snack and drink fabulous Malbecs before taking off to see another part of the city. Three girls and lots of endurance can see many sights in four days....
The new experiences kept coming with the return trip to Mendoza on the CocheCama (bus with seats that convert to beds), where they served us wine and meals, showed us movies, and let us sleep through the night while we travelled across the country.
Kara and Lara were able to see our life in Chacras and Mendoza and try out some of our restaurants. We hiked, we ran, we tried more Malbecs and Torrontes, we relaxed by the pool....
It came to an end much too soon....
Thanks girls. You are missed...
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