And with news! We went horseback riding today!
And yes, it was really really fun! I tried to speak Spanish to my horse (they were rental horses who went with us and a Gaucho, an Argentinian cowboy, up into the Andies,) and we all had a great time.
We went with some owners of a winery and their 11-year-old daughter Lauren. They are experienced horseback riders and so is Dad, so Mom, Daniel and I were the only first-time riders! We got on the horses, started walking and hoped for the best!
When we had gotten comfortable with the walking, we started making them trot a little every now and then. In the second half, my horse started trotting, got to the front and decided to start galloping! It was scary at first but fun! We all survived.
The horses were so used to going on the same path all of the time (they always went the same way,) That I hardly ever had to choose where to go. If there were two paths, they ended up meeting again in a few meters, so it didn't matter where you went! We walked through the wonderful Andies and got some beautiful views!
Until the next exciting thing,

love always,
Hi Guys!
Man you guys nailed it with this activity - the hand-down best thing to do in the Andes...where WAS this? saludos, Sean
Looking great, guys! A true traditional activity of beautiful Mendoza. And thanks for inviting us to the house - it is beautiful, and the "creative" empanadas were a success! Un abrazo! - Los Alexander
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Ha. Ha.
We love seeing pictures of you! Love, Gramma & Pop Pop
Hey guys!!!Its Joanna, Kara's friend. You guys look like you are livin it up! So im comin down with Miss Kara in October and Im so excited!! Ill be in contact. I dont even know where to start. Passport... gotta get a passport. You have a beautiful family!
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