Friday, February 29, 2008

We´re back! (izzy)

Wow, it´s been a while!
Hey there, and i have the best news ever!!!!!!
1. We have a house!!!!!!
2. I started school and have lots of friends.
3. Daniel is starting school on monday.
4. We are having a great time but miss everybody!!!
We are doing great, and I hope all of you are! Our address is:
The Feldhaus Family
Pedro Diaz 3404
Chacras do Coria, Mendoza CP 5505
South America
I hope that the letters make it through.
Love to all,

Saturday, February 9, 2008

On to Mendoza!(Izzy)

Hey people!
We are here in Mendoza! For the moment we are renting an apartment and searching very hard for a place to live. Tomorrow we are going to see a house that is a possibility. Because we are staying for a reasonably short time, we have decided to rent instead of buy a house. The only large purchase we have made is the car. It is too hard and long a process to sell these things, so renting makes more sense.
I will update you on our progress as we search!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New car issues (izzy)

Hello, hello, hello!
If you don't know already, we have bought a car and all the necessary emergency stuff, like a little fire extinguisher and an emergency triangle. It has manually locking doors and you have to turn a handle to open the windows, plus it's a stick-shift, but nonetheless it runs and the air conditioning works (yay!!!!)
We left it sitting on the opposite side of the street (locked) with all the other cars, it blended in, it was a neutral color, etc. How do you think we felt when we woke up only to discover that someone had smashed the lock and stolen a tire? Of course, everyone said, "Well, no wonder it got broken into. You left it out." Yeah, and so did at least ten other people on the block!
It's fixed, we bought a storage thingy for the top to hold some larger luggage (the car turned out to be a little smaller than we thought. Everything is set.
And then we figure out that all the luggage doesn't fit. Yahoo. So we rearrange the bags, scoot everyone a little closer to each other (not so fun) and eliminate a suitcase. Woo, time to go! Nope, it's too late in the day, we have to wait until tomorrow. That is going to turn out a little harder, because we just packed the car.
Deep breath.
It will all work out in the end, but I am really hoping that this is the last thing that goes wrong. Maybe this little car is cursed. Well, too bad, we already bought it. We have to live with what we've got.
Ah, well. At least we have a car.
Moving tomorrow, and I don't know that next time I will get to blog, so bye-bye to everyone until the next time!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Best Museum EVER!!! (Daniel)

yesterday, we went to the museum of natural science. i, daniel, have never been to one before and have only been to some art museums which can get REALLY boring after a while. also, i've never seen a fully assembled giganto dino before. it was REALLY COOOOOOOL! here are some pictures.