Hello, all! I have missed you guys a lot!!! How are things? Daniel and I both have birthday parties coming up! Daniel is planing on going to a fun place called Espanta Pajaros with his friends, and I am going to have a dance party with mine! My friend Macarena and I are both having the party together in my house and we are going to try to take lots of pictures. We are renting a mirror ball and everything! I hope it goes well. And that nobody brings confetti (it can get a bit hard to clean out of the grass...) Also, I cut my hair again! Well, Mom did, but I decided on the style. If you've seen Bridge to Tarabithia, it's like the girl's hair, only not blonde. Here is a picture:

Well, I have to go, but I promise I'll blog again soon, because we finally have internet again (it goes on and off...)